Down the Rabbit Hole - My Weaving Journey
(I’ve been asking for your weaving stories. Mostly because I’m nosy and I want to know everything about everyone. (Don’t worry, I can keep a secret!) But also because I know that for many, weaving has come at a time in life when it was really needed, or it came unexpectedly but made a huge impact.
This morning I’ve got our first story, and it is someone I know personally and you have heard me make mention of. I met Moira through Gaspereau Valley Fibres before she knew she wanted to be a weaver. She jumped in with both feet and now she edits my patterns, and newsletters, and blogs…Here’s her story. - Tammy)
So, I knew just a little – a VERY little – about weaving (I did know what a rigid heddle loom was, at least, thanks to a friend). Found myself down at Gaspereau Valley Fibres, looking around, not knowing where to start. Met Tammy, who began to share her enthusiasm about weaving to this newbie … when she got to talking about “sheds” (“sheds?”), I got confused … and then I thought, well, stop right there, I knew I had a LOT to learn !!!
Tammy assured me that I REALLY COULD DO THIS !! … and down the rabbit hole I went!
The Inspiration and Success!
Classes followed (every chance I got, even if I thought it might be beyond my skill level). I began building my yarn stash, then bought a larger loom (my first was a 16” Ashford SampleIt, I quickly knew I needed bigger) … and then another loom … and yet ANOTHER.
Single looms get lonely!
Just a small sample of my weaving!
Skip forward a couple of years, and I am thoroughly immersed in the world of weaving – and absolutely loving every minute and every new challenge.
My weaving skills have vastly improved over time, and I credit a certain individual for that: there is no limit to her encouragement, patience and help.
Enter The Rogue Weaver …
And, most recently, a new and somewhat different rabbit hole. I stay in the background, but you may see my name crop up occasionally when pattern editing is mentioned. As a proof-reader in my previous working life, I review and check the new or updated older patterns before they are released to all of you, whether you are an experienced weaver, or a newbie beginning this adventure.
Welcome to this fabulous fibre world !! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.