beginner weaving

How to Nurture a Relationship that Lasts (with your Rigid Heddle) PT 3

We’re continuing my series on How to Nurture a Relationship that Lasts (with your Rigid Heddle). This week we are going to look at attitude and the first thing I want to say is that weaving on a rigid heddle is real weaving! I hear many people say that they have “just” a rigid heddle, like they are somehow “lesser” weavers. This is absolutely not true! A rigid heddle is a real loom that real weavers use to produce real weaving. Never put yourself or your loom down! Now, let’s look at some truths about rigid heddle looms.

Introduction to Weaving

Introduction to Weaving

I realized, as I was writing another post, that this should have been my very first post. If you are a rigid heddle weaver you might want to skip this one, you know it all already. Or you can read it and correct me in the comments (seriously, I’m ok with constructive criticism). I know that some people are reading this who really don’t know anything about weaving, but you know me and so you graciously read my blog (thank you, please comment so I know who you are). So here’s a crash course on weaving.