Passing the shuttle back and forth and watching the fabric grow is only a tiny part of the weaving process. Before one ever throws the shuttle there has already been hours of prep work, even days if you count the dreaming time. First inspiration strikes. Perhaps it’s the clouds in the sky, the way the grass waves in the wind, a colour combination or the feel of a fibre. It can be anything really. Then comes the gestational time. The idea floats around in my thoughts for a few days, taking shape, changing and developing.
I start planning on my tablet, it's a bit of a mess but it helps me visualize.
Passing the shuttle back and forth and watching the fabric grow is only a tiny part of the weaving process. Before one ever throws the shuttle there has already been hours of prep work, even days if you count the dreaming time. First inspiration strikes. Perhaps it’s the clouds in the sky, the way the grass waves in the wind, a colour combination or the feel of a fibre. It can be anything really. Then comes the gestational time. The idea floats around in my thoughts for a few days, taking shape, changing and developing. At this point I might put pencil to paper (or s-pen to tablet) and start drawing and jotting down finished measurements, warp and weft materials. If colour plays a starring role I’ll start adding colours too.
Sometimes when I start drawing I realize that my idea can’t work as I thought it would. Then I either rework, or sometimes leave that idea for another time. Because I’m a new weaver, and an intuitive weaver, many times I realize I need to learn more before I can achieve the effect I’m looking for. If you are a crafter you know you are supposed to sample sample sample! I hate sampling! I know it is important, but to me it seems a waste. So, I make tea towels. Tea towels act as a productive way to sample and learn new skills. In the end, if my finished project doesn’t match the picture in my head it’s ok. I’ve learned something AND I get a useful tea towel instead of a failed project I’ll never use but can’t bear to throw away.