New Year, New Goals


One day I looked in my closet and my drawers and realized how many clothes I had. I decided to stop buying clothes. I figured if I couldn’t make it I didn’t really need it. I made a few exceptions…jeans and cashmere sweaters (both from our local second hand shop) and underwear (always new!) This was about three years ago. Last year around Christmas I gave in and bought a few things because they were so soft and warm. I love them, wear them lots but ultimately, I’m disappointed because they were intentionally designed to wear out. Did you know the fashion industry has invented micro-seasons and bring out a new line of clothing every week?! I don’t believe everything I read on the internet, but you might find this article interesting:


I don’t know about you, but I am tired of clothes that don’t fit, that come with loose buttons or clothing that the seams wear through so very quickly. Also, I really hate shopping for clothes! So, I’ve bought and borrowed some sewing books, dusted off my sewing machine and plan to do some serious sewing this year. With my weaving. My goal is to be able to sew or knit everything I need (except underwear and bathing suits…I’m not that dedicated!) I expect there will be a few other exceptions, but I’ll look to secondhand shops first.

I don’t expect everyone to do this, or even most people. We all do what we are able and what we feel is important. For me, right now, making my own clothing will be fun. I have the time and the over full closet to back me up if it doesn’t work so well! My goals for the year are to make flannel style shirts, a baja style hoodie, casual pants and a wool coat. Big goals for a nearly non-sewer so I’ve got a couple little projects to try too: little project bags, unpaper towels, cute little lunch bags. Perhaps these little projects will encourage me to sample! I’ll keep you posted on my progress and welcome any advice, tips, patterns or websites you might recommend.